
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Carrying the Weight of Our Sins

Is very important to continually meditate on the sacrifice of the cross and the cost that Jesus paid for our sin. Because of our sin  God had to send his only son to die for us on the cross. Sin lead to death, and our sin caused the death and crucifixion of Jesus. I always knew that Jesus died for me on the cross but really did not understand the meaning of His death and resurrection in my life. Have you thought about Jesus death and what it means in your life?

Jesus chose to die in our place on the cross, His unstoppable desire and love of Jesus to  in the middle of our life costed something very precious,His life. If we let this truth settle in  our hearts, and we carry for a moment with the weight of what happened, we understand that it was not a small thing what Jesus did for us, He came to take my place on the cross and died for me. Let this truth penetrate your heart and let the Holy Spirit help you understand it.

When we meditate on the cross, there we see our value as human beings, we are precious to God, and the inexplicable love of God for humanity. I also understand the price that Jesus paid for my sins, this costed his precious life; His unconditional love for me and his desire to be with me always costed him his life, if you've seen the movie or read the crucifixion of Jesus you will know how painful and horrible was his death and have a better understanding of the price Jesus paid for our sins.

Jesus gave His life for us, shed His precious blood to cleanse us from our sins, the least we can do is to thank Him and  to give our lives to Him as an offering and sacrifice. Have you ever wondered, Who am I  to decide my own ways?  Who am I to believe that my value is  less than the price that Jesus paid for me on the cross? I know I can not pay God what he did for me, but what can I do to show my gratitude for  his sacrifice for me? what is  in my life that needs a change and need allignment with the word of God? 

Meditating in the cost of my sin should  generate repentance in our hearts, understand the high price that was paid  for  my own transgressions on the cross should fill our hearts with the  strength to change and to live a life that glorifies Him,  and ultimately this is all we can do as way of payment and appreciation for what Jesus did for us, and I say way payment because we can never repay Him. There are many areas of our lives that need change but it all starts with recognizing that we all have sinned; We all must repent of living a life wanting to be our own God, to live a lifestyle completely messed up and away from God, letting my mind and my own values ​​and perceptions direct my life instead of God.

Repentance means change of mind, we all need a reconstruction of our personality, we need the Holy Spirit into our hearts to align and design our life the way it should be. I recommend you make a list and confess all the things that you understand are out of alignment in your life, but before doing so pray first and invite the Holy Spirit to help you and guide you. The purpose of this list should not be for condemnation but for repentance. Remember 1 John 1: 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. After you finish writing pray this prayer:
Jesus thank you for sacrificing yourself on my behalf, I have nothing to which to repay you but my own life and I lived my life as my own sovereign quiet a bit of time, I acknowledged you but I kind of had the final saying and that is what costed You your life, humans having the final saying and being his own sovereign we created a catastrophe. I am intentionally staying with the fact that my sin costed you something precious, Your life and my sin only leads me to death. I am offering myself to you, whatever is in my life that you need to take out or is not properly align, reconstruct me in any way you need to so you can put me back together in the way I was design. I can't do it myself, I am inviting You to design me the  way you want me to be, show me give me the courage, come Holy Spirit in Jesus name. 

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