
Saturday, March 4, 2017

Benefits of Humility

I think there is a misunderstanding of what humility means. Many people have the wrong idea that humility is to be timid or shy, or means to see yourself less than others.

Nevertheless, I think that humility is a very admirable quality and when you study the Bible, you realize that God loves and blesses those who are humble.  
A humble person recognizes that his or her value as a person is not based on material things, on the opinions of others, physical looks or titles, how much money is in your bank account; but, these individuals recognize and based their self-esteem on the fact that they have been created by God and His immense love for each of us. And as a result, this kind of people have a healthy image of themselves and is happier in life.
Humble people are not always focused on themselves, but their passion is helping others improve and grow. They know their strengths and weaknesses; they use their qualities and strengths for the benefit of others.  
These people never compare or compete with others because they have recognized that each person is unique and original, and everyone has a different mission in life.  
There is a story in the Bible about a religious leader named Nicodemus and I will use this story as an example of how people act when they are too proud.
In this story, Jesus explained to this Pharisee, this was the name used for the leaders at the time, what meant to be born again and no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. However, this respected Jewish teacher not understand these things.
Seeing Jesus that Nicodemus did not understand the meaning of being born again, he said this famous Bible verse in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.
Why did Jesus say these beautiful words to this religious leader? I will suggest because of two important reasons:
  1. The Pharisees believed they were superior and better than others because they knew all Jewish laws and for this reason, their job was to condemn others who did not follow the rules like them. Jesus said, "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him." In other words, Jesus was telling him that his mission was totally different, he didn't condemn people, but his mission was to forgive sin and give them a new opportunity to "born again."
  2. The Pharisees thought they were righteous because of their own works, therefore, they believed they did not need a Saviour Their pride and arrogance did not allow them to see the real posture of heart for Jesus tried to explain that everyone, including them, had to be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Nicodemus did not recognize his and sinful nature. His attitude was that he was justified by his works and that he did not need to be forgiven and be born again.
That was the reason why Jesus was not very well-liked in the religious elite, instead, he was favorite among people who have ordinary needs because they knew they were not perfect, and they were awaiting the arrival of their savior.
To follow Jesus, we need to have humility in our hearts to recognize that we are imperfect and that we cannot save ourselves, we need a savior and his name is Jesus. Furthermore, we must give God full control over our lives.
The first step to avoid pride is to recognize our true condition as human beings, and we are hopeless without God. "We are sinners in desperate need of God's forgiveness." We must admit that we are spiritually destitute apart from God. The Bible says, "Blessed are the poor in spirit and realize their need for him, for theirs, is the kingdom of heaven."
The second step is to recognize that you need Him. When you cry for your human condition without God, this takes you to begin making positive changes to your life. "Because sorrow which is according to the will of God produces a repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but the sorrow of the world produces death." 2 Corinthians 7:10
I remember when I accepted Jesus, I went to a healing event at the Church, and there was a time during the event, in which God touched me, and I realized my condition, and I cried and asked God for help. My pain led me to recognize my spiritual brokenness and my immense need for God.
Being born of water means "the old have passed away, and you have become a new person." Water baptism is just a symbolic act of the change that has happened in your heart. When you're born of water, it is because you want to leave behind wrong behaviors, and decide to change and become a new person putting into practice what pleases God.
I know people who think they are going to be baptized and are already saved, but baptism must be accompanied by a real repentance and a desire to seek God and practice their teachings, or otherwise will be useless. What is important is the decision you have made in your heart to change, and when this happens, the Spirit of God dwells in you with the intention to help you improve your lifestyle.
The birth of the Spirit means that the Spirit of God comes and abides in you choose to follow Jesus, and he helps you, guides you and gives you the strength to live a new lifestyle. As the Apostle Paul said, "You are led by the Spirit, not by the desires of the flesh."
The decision to accept Jesus and be guided by the Spirit is essential in order to be part of God's Promises. The benefits of humility are great, Scripture says in Matthew 5: 5 "Blessed are the humble, for they shall inherit the earth."
Another promise says: "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble." Jesus loves you, and no matter what you've done, he offers you forgiveness and the opportunity to start again being guided him. You can accept the gift that he has for you and enjoys a great relationship with him.  

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