
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What means Living by Grace?

We are new creation in Christ when we accept him in our hearts. The old has passed away, behold all things have become new. Jesus paid a high price on the cross for our sins so that everyone who believes in Him can be free from the power of sin. But I wonder, Why there are people who live full of guilt and condemnation? The answer is simple, they do not understand that we are new in Christ and now live under the power of His grace!

We always try to win the approval of God and somehow still believe that salvation can be achieved by works not by grace. If you think you can win your salvation with works, here this verse for you: For all have sinned, all come short of the glory of God. But this is the good news: by grace we are forgiven! Salvation and forgiveness of God is completely free! Jesus paid for our sins on the cross and his resurrection we have new life in Him, we are justified, forgiven, approved, accepted, reconciled, restored and loved unconditionally by God.

All we have to do is to accept the gift of salvation and grace of God and  be transformed by his precious blood. Now we have access to His presence and  we are friends of God, We have a new identity, Jesus erased  all record of our sins with his blood on the cross and gave us a new beginning! And He gave  us his grace for every time we make mistakes, we can come to Him and receive forgiveness.

God's grace is wonderful, He has chosen us  for himself while we were yet sinners and cleanses us, forgive us and gives us a new heart, is his grace and love that leads us to desire a change in our life, it is his grace that leads us to follow Him and his Holy Spirit who guides us and gives us the understanding to live a life of service and thanksgiving to God.

God knows that our behaviour won’t be perfect  always, so his grace is sufficient and abundant to forgive us  when we make mistakes and to encourage us to move forward. This change does not happen  in our own strength and intellect but is the Holy Spirit who renews our minds, changing the old way of thinking for a new one in the word and promises of God. Only God can accomplish this in us. 

His Holy Spirit teaches us to see ourselves as God sees us as a new creation by His grace,made in His likeness! Loved and very precious to Him. We now live under the grace of God, being justified by His blood and giving us eternal life! Romans 5:21

Now the question to ask is what do we do with this amazing gift of grace from God to us?

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