
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

God Can Call Ordinary People for Extraordinary Missions

All through the History God has shown His amazing Grace to us, He chose many ordinary people like you and me and empowered them to do great things. When I read the story of the great people of faith in the Bible, they were ordinary people that put their trust in God and beyond all understanding followed and obeyed God and we can see how much God blessed their lives and blessed nations to come through them.
Let’s take a look at some Ordinary people that did great things by having Faith in God:

Enoch, the bible doesn’t tell us much about him but we know that because of his faith he didn’t even experience death, God took him to heaven, We know about

Noah, a great man of faith, God was so pleased with Noah that because of him humankind was saved from perishing. God commanded Noah to build an ark when he was 500 years old and told Noah that he was going to destroy all that wicked generation and so did Noah. and for 100 years nothing happened but Noah trusted God and built the ark then the big flood came and only Noah and his family was saved.

Abraham, a great man of faith. God told him to leave his home country when He was around 70 years old and go to the promised land of Canaan. and he trusted God and went to that foreign country. beyond all his fears Abraham trusted God and His life and our lives, today is blessed because from the promise to Abraham came to our savior Jesus Christ.

Jacob was blessed by God, and He said to him, you have wrestled with God and Man and you have won. Jacob was fleeing from his home country for many years because his brother Esau a mighty man wanted to kill him for stealing his birthright and inheritance, but Jacob trusted God and we see in his story how he stopped fleeing and met with Esau but he came humbly with his family trusting God and apologized to his brother;Esau came with a whole army ready to kill him but Jacob trusted God and bow his head to him and Esau forgave him. it took great trust in God to do that.

Moses, He trusted God and went and spoke to the pharaoh and told him to let the people of Israel go, it took great courage and trust in God to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. and how God used Moses to perform amazing miracles.

Joshua and Caleb, they were one of the spies that Moses sent to Jericho to see how were the people that lived in the land. They were the only ones who came back with a good report to Moses. The other ones were afraid they told Moses there is no way we can conquer the Land, we saw mighty men there Nephilim (giants) there is no possible way we can win. But Joshua said do not be afraid God is with us and we will devour them. and after Moses died he was who led the people of Israel to the promise land. It took great faith and understanding of who God is to act like Joshua did. But he knew all the amazing things God did for them in the wilderness, Joshua knew and trusted God deeply.

Rehab, She was a prostitute lived in the city of Jericho in the times of Joshua, but she heard all the amazing miracles God did with the people of Israel, destroying mighty kings and nations and she believed, when the spies came to see the city she was the woman who hid them from the king; beyond all fears she saved the spies. This woman understood what matter the most in her life to trust God and obey Him, love Him so she did and she became part of the people of Israel and descendant of Jesus Christ.

This is just the beginning of a big list of people that God used to do extraordinary things and this is without mentioning the 12 disciples, Apostle Paul, Mary and Joseph, Esther, Ruth and on and on. The message that God is trying to convey is that He can do great things through us if we “choose” to trust Him and put our Faith and Hope in Him. God is not limited by our human abilities, God is way more powerful than any power of darkness and He wants to work through us to bring Light to this world that desperately needs Hope. God doesn’t need us but He has chosen us to be a key part of His perfect plan for His Kingdom on earth.

Don’t be afraid if God call you to do something extraordinary because you don’t feel qualified to do it or you feel like you are not a good fit, We need to keep in mind Always that is God at work through us and is His power that will enable us to do anything He call us to do in life. Don’t be intimidated by naysayers, do it afraid if you need to and fulfill your destiny knowing that God is with you and for you and you can do All things through Christ who strengthen you and all the glory goes to our Lord forever and ever!.

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