
Monday, October 10, 2016

The Holy Spirit

You might say that the Holy Spirit is our identifying Mark as Christians. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence dwelling in our hearts.
Here some reasons God gives us his Holy Spirit:
  1. The Holy Spirit is a promise. Once again the Scripture reminds us that God has promised to send the Holy Spirit to all those who have heard the good news of the gospel and trusted Christ as Saviour
  2. The Holy Spirit is a Seal. The Holy Spirit serves as a mark of ownership, showing that we belong to God.
  3. The Holy Spirit is a guarantee. The Holy Spirit also represents God’s pledge to bring us to our final spiritual inheritance. This word could also be translated as a “first installment” or deposit, signifying that his sealing in our lives is a foretaste of much more to come!

God give us the Holy Spirit to enable us to live out the Christian life and to prove that we are precious in his sight. However our Human nature is not always willing to listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, The Apostle Paul said: But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. But if I know that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good. So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit is a response of humility from us to God, Letting Him take control.

Following the leading of the Holy Spirit in every part of our lives is a “choice” we need to make every day, is not something that comes naturally out of us, In our minds is where we make the decision to do what the Spirit says, The more we train and guard our minds the easier will become. If you believe in Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit dwells in you, and He is always speaking with you, is like a “Still voice” in your conscious. Jesus said, My sheep will hear my voice and I will hear them. Remember we can grieve and quench the Holy Spirit when we choose to follow our own wisdom instead of following His leading or when we choose not to trust Him.
Here some steps to become better at hearing His voice:

  1. Go to a Place of silence and calm.take a deep breath, thanks, praise and worship God and sit still.
  2. submit your mind to listen. So instead of trying to rationalize what the Holy Spirit is telling me ( by default that’s what my mind wants to do sinful nature) instead I Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show me a scripture in the bible that matches what the spirit is telling me. this step is very important because in here is where I need to tap into His power to submit my mind and surrender.
  3. write down what the Holy Spirit is telling you. So you can go back and meditate on it.
  4. Revisit what you wrote. Doing this will help you to remember what the Holy Spirit said and will help you make an action plan
  5. Make an action plan to accomplish what the holy spirit has revealed. The Scripture says Be a doer of the word, not hearers only.
However, there will be times when we are not sure if we’re hearing the Holy Spirit or ourselves. Here some steps we can do:

  1. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to Give you a dream and reveal His will
  2. Before going to sleep write down your question and be very specific. God might give you the revelation in a dream
  3. In the morning Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the answer and take your notes.
  4. Or pray to receive confirmation through another believer

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