
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Mind Renewal

Mind renewal must be super important for all of us, have been a believer for long time or if you just accepted Jesus in your heart, every day is a new opportunity to renew our mind changing all those negative thoughts and replacing them with God’s promises!

In your mind and heart is where the Holy Spirit works to change you and create in you a new person; It's great to know that God can transform our thinking and all our beliefs that do not align with the word of God! If we put all the attention and interest that this issue requires, here in our mind is where the most beautiful thing happen, the Holy Spirit transforms us into this human being that God has created, not that person that we have become as  result of the circumstances of life, but that being that God planned from since you were in your mother’s womb! made in God’s image! This is a long process, but every day is an opportunity to grow in this area.

God has gifted us with a brain, with a specific way of thinking where He has implanted his word in us.this is the central control of our lives. but often we block our gift with toxic thinking when we fail of our obligation to guard our mind (not being careful of what we think) Proverbs 4:23 and Romans 8:12. But God has also gifted us with the ability to renew our minds (Neuroplasticity) Romans 12:2 and detox our brain and go back to the original mode that is wired on Love, Power and Self control with the help of the Holy spirit we set our minds on what the spirit desires Romans 8:5 and Philippians 4:6-8

This is very important! you have to guard and renew your mind every day of your life, your thoughts shape your life. we have to get out of that selfishness stage of only focusing on ourselves and our circumstances that produces all the worries, fears and anxieties and focus our attention on God and get to know God and His love for us in a deeper way. little by little every day of our lives and how we can help other with our lives, not how we can make more money or live the good life.

Our biggest battle is IN our minds WITH ourselves "selfishness" and God has given you and power but YOU determine WHO wins if yourself or GOd. I have set before you Life and Death choose life. I’ll continue to write more about this subject, we can’t do this in our own strength, but we all should be doing our best to grow in this area with the help of the Holy Spirit!

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