
Monday, September 12, 2016

Passing the Tests and Temptations in Life

There are many seasons in life, the Scriptures says: there is time to laugh, to mourn, to name few. However, there are 3 main seasons that we all go through and we need to be prepared in advance to succeed in each of them.

#1 Test of the things we can not change
These are things that happen that are beyond our control, for example, divorce, death of a loved one, job loss etc. This is the stage where I need SERENITY and surrender all in God’s hands.

Common temptations in this test:
We can be tempted to have a victim mentality, complaining how unfair life is, hate  and resentment in my heart. But we must apply the Bible verse that says: Resist the devil and he will flee from you. we know that every temptation comes from the enemy but God gives us a promise not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. the temptation is a battle that happens in the mind. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Remember that you are not the only person who is going through or will go through this, but all the brothers in the body of Christ are in a battle. We must fight the good fight of faith knowing that we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus!

We must ask God for wisdom to know how to identify when is a situation that can not be changed, when is time to "let go of the past". Letting go of the past "is very important if you want God to work in your life and open new doors for you and give you new dreams, new start! Do as the Apostle Paul says: Leaving all the past behind I focus on what is ahead! I will pursue all that God has for me!
Whenever we are facing a situation where feels like we stock, we should ask ourselves this questions? Do I really want to change? Do I really want to improve my situation? or have I gotten comfortable where I am at and don’t want to change?
Prayer: May the Lord give us the wisdom to know how to overcome the tests in life, have the courage and the serenity to accept what cannot be changed and move on, and identify temptations that we have. May the Holy Spirit help us to win the battle and fight the good fight of faith! Remember The battle belongs to God not me !!

# 2 The Test of waiting
We must wait for the right time to do things. everything has its time under the sun, so we should not rush, especially when we have family and children who depend on us.

We need to analyze all factors and how our decision will affect the people around us. Life is based on decisions we make every day, and bring both positive and negative consequences. so it’s extremely important to wait God's perfect time.

Things I can DO while Waiting: Have faith and read the promises of God. Remember He won’t leave us in that place or in that situation longer than we can bear. That is not your destiny, what you going through is only temporary, I am in the palm of God’s hand

Some lessons I've learned in this season:
- to focus on the goal not in the circumstances. when you focus on the goal, you'll give the strength you need to keep moving forward,
- it’s extremely important to have goals and dreams
- keep a good attitude while we wait. Patience is a fruit of the spirit we need to ask every day.
- Also being grateful and meditating on God’s unfailing love for us will keep you going.
- Remember to live one day at a time like the scriptures says: Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Again reading God’s word everyday, Praying,  staying in Faith and Hope will help us pass the test quicker. Some good Bible verses are:  Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Psalm 37:34 Wait for the LORD and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land;
# 3 Test of the things we can change:
there are many situations that is in our power to do something about it but often we stay is status “quo” must of the time because of fear, or not wanting to let go of the past, forgive, and stop thinking and meditating on my failures. Quite often we focus on the problem instead of seeing  the opportunity in every situation,  in other words we focus on what we cannot change instead of focusing on new opportunities. When one door closes, God always has a new door prepared for you.
Pray that God will give us the courage and faith we need to pursue our dreams and change the circumstances that are in our power to change. That we can let go of the past, and make room for all the new that God has in store for us. We  can encourage ourselves in the Lord and say like King David when he defeated Goliath: The battle is not yours, but God’s.
Wisdom to know the different Seasons in life  
t’s key to understand the seasons that we are, so we know how we should act. And it’s  also important to recognize when we are being tempted and when is a TEST. The TEMPTATION comes from the enemy, he  always try to steal and destroy our identity, peace and joy. The TEST comes from God and is meant to strengthen our faith.

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