
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Staying Strong in Difficult Times

The difficult times are the ones God uses to make us grow inside. God is more interested in our spiritual growth than in our final destination. He has a plan for your life to prosper you and fill you with hope, but also in the middle of this plan there is another plan to make us grow spiritually and that is the plan that none of us like but it is very important to God. Keep that in mind!

  • Remember not to complain but keep a HUMBLE attitude expecting God’s Grace to get you out.
  • Pray- Philippians 4:6
  • Have Faith Mark 11:22
  • Keep hope (knowing all things work together for your good Romans 8:28) Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planed but how it’s meant to be.
  • Remember His plans are BETTER  than ours
  • Expect MIRACLES  to happen
  • Take one day at a time- Remember NOT TO WORRY about tomorrow,
  • Give Thanks- Push yourself to see and count all your blessings and the things you can be thankful for! If you want to feel RICH count your blessings
  • Attitude is your state of mind. you have TOTAL CONTROL OF THAT. just Focus on GOD NOT in your PROBLEM and that will make you have a positive outlook immediately.
  • Meditate God’s promises
  • Remember how He helped you in the Past and all the things He has done for you! you are a NEW man and woman by his GRACE  just because of your faith in Him !
  • He Love you and is with You in the midst of it all! He has promise to never leave you or forsake you! Just as He was with the Israelites through the desert during the 40 years they stayed there, He will be with you too!

Sometimes in life you will feel as if God has forsaken you.. But BE STRONG and CHOOSE to TRUST and BELIEVE in His unfailing LOVE for us. Believe in His amazing Plan for your Life even when it looks like nothing good is happening or even when everyone is telling you the opposite.

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